
Perfecting The Art Of Writing Cover Letters

February 24, 2017

Put yourself in the shoes of an employer– flipping through resume after resume, reading about generally the same kinds of experience and skills listed in every application. It’s probably got to feel very monotonous after awhile, right? Well, this makes for the perfect opportunity reach out and grab a potential employer’s attention, showing why you are the best candidate for the job! Follow these tips on crafting your cover letter and you’ll be on your way to employment in no time.

Complement Your Resume
The cover letter is to the resume as peanut butter is to jelly. The two should pair well together. This means that the page design of your cover letter should match what you have on your resume. Stick to using the same fonts, size, and any other minimal design aspects, as long as you’re not overdoing it or cluttering the page. Remember, less is more!

Connect The Dots
First off, you need to read the job description, then read through your resume, and then connect the two for your employer. Every single cover letter needs to be specifically tailored to each different job you apply for. You have to address the specific requirements listed in the job description, tie it back to your skills or experience, and then elaborate on it. The employer is not looking to just re-read what you already have on your resume, so make sure you’re specifying how your past has shaped you to be the best candidate for this position.

Call To Action
At the end of your resume, you should thank the employer for their time and then call upon them to act in some way. Saying something along the lines of, “I am eager to further discuss this opportunity with you,” or “I look forward to meeting you,” will reinforce your confidence that you are the top candidate for the job. It’s important to end on an enthusiastic note that leaves no doubt about your interest.

Just remember, cover letters are an opportunity to show who you are. Your resume might get you through the front door, but the cover letter is what will make you stand apart from the rest during the application process.

For more advice or to check out our most recent job opportunities, visit our website today!

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