
What 2016 Graduates Can Expect Upon Entering the Workplace

March 25, 2016

A career insight survey conducted by AfterCollege shows that only 14% of college seniors have jobs lined up after college, which means that the vast majority will have to continue searching for jobs after graduation.

A poll conducted by Accenture consulting company compared the responses of 2014 graduates with the results of 2012 and 2013 graduates regarding their work and career expectations. Unfortunately, the results showed that the class of 2014 needed a reality check. While 85% were confident they would find a job in their chosen career field, only about two-thirds actually will. On top of that, their salary expectations are far-fetched. More than 80% of 2014 grads expected to make more than $25,000, but fewer than 60% will end up making more than $25,000 when they begin their job. These results indicate a sobering and harsh reality that the majority of upcoming graduates from the class of 2016 will face upon entering the workforce.

As concerning as these statistics may be, there’s no need to lose hope or give up on your job search. One of the main problems graduates have with landing their first job is not having enough experience in their field. At DES, we offer a variety of services to help you gain valuable experience working for companies temporarily. Our temp-to-hire program allows for recent graduates to work for a company on a temporary basis to gain professional experience and insight, and to make key connections. Frequently, our employers offer candidates permanent positions once an assignment has completed.

Even if the graduate is not hired full time, they still had the opportunity to gain significant experience to put on their resume, aiding them in their future job search endeavors. DES also offers resume preparation services in order to ensure that recent grads are presenting themselves as strongly and competently as possible to potential employers.

Call us at (214) 954-0700 or visit our website to learn more about our services and how DES can help you find your dream job after graduation!


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