
5 Steps to a Perfect Resume

July 25, 2014

The most basic need for any job interview anywhere is a solid resume. Many people do not know how to construct their resume in a way that will not only showcases them and their skills in the best light, but also separates them from other applicants. Here are five steps to constructing the perfect resume that will make you a candidate to be reckoned with:

1. Format your resume
There are hundreds of resume formatting software services that will allow you to simply plug in your info and it will spit out a resume in any style your heart may desire. Do not use these! Writing and formatting your own resume will re-familiarize you with your working self and all of your achievements that have led you to this point in your life. Whatever format you decide on, be sure that it is simple yet elegant. Don’t over do it with all the bells and whistles that could risk distracting from your content, but be sure it speaks to who you are. Also, make sure your font isn’t smaller than 10 pt- we want to make sure someone can actually read all of your accomplishments!

2. Arrange your achievements in a way that works for you
Education, Employment History, Honors, Awards- these are the traditional categories on most resumes, and they should (or something similar) all be on yours. Whether you want to go the biographical route and begin with your education history, or cut straight to the chase and list your past employment opportunities first, it doesn’t matter. As long as the ordering makes sense to you, showcases all of your accomplishments, and is legible to a potential interviewer, then the rest is up to your discretion.

3. Double check with your records
As time passes we tend to belittle or exaggerate our past achievements and work situations. To prevent from under or over selling yourself, comb through your records and make sure that everything listed on your resume actually took place and is accurately described. Revist your GPA transcript, award certificates, and dates of employment to make sure they are all true to the past. If it has a place on your resume, it deserves a double-checking.

4. Contact potential references
Almost any job opening today requires at least one, if not multiple, references of past employment. Before you list any of your past bosses and co-workers, be sure to shoot them an email or give them a call to ensure that they are okay with their listing. They may even provide you with helpful feedback or a copy of their resume for reference.

5. Keep everything up to date
Every time you receive an award, become certified in a new software, get a new job- add it to your resume immediately. It’s easy to tell yourself you’ll do it later, but you may forget it and end up selling yourself short at your next interview.

Having a solid resume ready to go at the drop of a hat is a great tool to have in your arsenal. The next time a job opportunity presents itself, you will be able to pursue it with full force and immediate action. For more information about resumes or our services visit our website!

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